Jericho Trail Construction Begins
The traffic cones are up, initial vegetation cleared, and retaining wall bricks delivered as construction begins on the Jericho Trail. The Jericho Trail will extend the North Rockford Trail from Kroes Street to Rockford city limits, a short distance north of the Rogue River/Jericho Avenue bridge. We will be partnering with the City of Rockford to connect the Northern boundary to the White Pine Trail within the city limits. Construction is anticipated to be completed by late summer or early fall. The project is funded by the trail millage approved by voters in 2016.
Airway Trail
The Airway Trail will run from Plainfield Avenue west and cross over the existing Jupiter Trail on its way to Hunsberger and Northview High School. Construction is expected to be complete summer 2023.
Rockford Trail
The Rockford Trail extends two miles along Kuttshill Drive, Brewer Avenue and Kroes Street from Rogue River Road to Jericho Road. The Township plans to expand the trail north along Jericho Avenue from Kroes Street to Rockford city limits. The Jericho Trail is the second phase of the Rockford Trail— which will create a connection to the White Pine Trail. The first phase of the Rockford Trail was constructed in 2021 from Rogue River Road to the Kroes Street/Jericho Avenue intersection.
The Rockford trail: south segment - completed fall 2021
The south segment of the Rockford Trail extends along Kuttshill from Rogue River Road to Brewer, along the east side of Brewer to Kroes, and along the north side of Kroes to Jericho. Click HERE for a map of Plainfield Township's plans.
North jupiter trail construction is complete
We are excited to announce that the North Jupiter Trail is open for use!!! Construction is complete. The fence and site restoration is done. Check out the trail in person and/or by viewing the pictures below.
North Jupiter Trail Constuction Begins
Construction has begun on Jupiter Trail North and is expected to be completed within six weeks around mid-to late-October.
At a meeting in July, the Board approved a bid from Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. to start work on the north segment of Jupiter Trail. While work is being completed, there will be shoulder and intermittent lane closures; at no point will the road be entirely closed.
An eight-foot wide non-motorized trail will be constructed along the east side of Jupiter Avenue from West River Drive north to a connector with the White Pine Trail. At this point, the Jupiter Trail will cross over to the west side of Jupiter using the existing tunnel to continue north to the Belmont YMCA’s sidewalk system.
The north segment is an extension of last year’s project, which saw the completion of a 1.9-mile trail that runs along Jupiter Avenue. Jupiter Trail is funded through the Township’s trail millage that was approved by voters in 2016.
Summer 2019 - North Jupiter Trail Segment
This September 2019, Plainfield Township will begin construction of the north segment of the Jupiter Trail. The north segment will extend along the east side of Jupiter Avenue from West River Drive north to the White Pine Trail and further north by switchback to the west side from the White Pine Trail to Belmont Center Drive. The trail segment will be 8 feet wide and made of asphalt. The total length of trail is just over one mile. The trail is expected to be completed in six weeks.
North Jupiter Progress Reports
Summer 2018 - South Jupiter Trail Segment
The first major trail paid for by the trail millage approved by voters in August 2016 was completed fall 2018! The trail runs along the east side of Jupiter from Plainfield Avenue to West River Drive (about 2 miles).
9/28/18 The Jupiter Trail south is now open to the public!
8/31/18 The retaining wall along the trail between Coit and the Grand River is compete and the sand subbase and the aggregate base for the path between Coit and the Grand River is graded. Crews also completed curb cuts between Coit and Konkle Dr. Paving between Cedar Crest and Coit is complete.
Next the contractor will complete the grading of the sand subbase and aggregate base for the remainder of the pathway, in preparation for the base and top course of asphalt between Coit and West River Dr. They will also work on site restoration on Jupiter between Cedar Crest and West River.
7/23/18 The existing embankment south of Coit Avenue has been removed in order to place a modular block retaining wall. Work crews began placing the block retaining wall and also completed work grading the sand sub-base for the placement of the path between the north side of the Jupiter bridge over the Grand River up to West River Drive.
7/12/17 Multiple contractors have layed the base and top coat of asphalt between Plainfield Avenue and Airway Street and poured the steps up to Airway. They are also working to continue installing the retaining wall as will begin spreading topsoil next to the paved path.
Merrell Trail Connector and new Belmont Trail Segment
The Merrell Trail Belmont Avenue connector is open from 10 Mile south to the Merrell Trail parking lot entrance. There is also a new Belmont Road trail segment along the right side of the connector. The new segment was created in conjunction with the realignment of Belmont Avenue, in partnership with Kent County Road Commission.
Residents invited to View & Comment on the Jupiter Trail-South plan
Residents are invited to an open house – a come-and-go-as-you-please format – to view and comment on the trail plans for the Jupiter Trail - South Segment. The Parks & Recreation Committee will host the event on Wednesday, March 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Township Hall boardroom, 6161 Belmont Avenue.
The township intends to construct an 8-foot wide asphalt trail parallel to the east side of Jupiter Avenue from Plainfield Avenue north to West River Drive, with a stairway connector to Airway Street. The trail will be separated from the travel lanes but completely within the Jupiter Avenue right-of-way. Please find attached, two maps showing the trail route. We anticipate starting construction of the trail in May with a completion time of 4 to 6 weeks.
Within the next few years, the township plans to continue the trail alongside Jupiter Avenue from West River Drive, north to the White Pine Trail. When finished, the Jupiter Trail will connect our community south of the Grand River to the White Pine Trail network. Funding for the trail comes from the Plainfield Trails and Recreational Areas millage that was approved by the voters in 2016.
Please feel free to stop in during the open house for more information.
Link to the invitation and two maps of the trail route
11/14/17 Citizens for Plainfield Township Trails Recieves Award
Citizens for Plainfield Township Trails was selected to receive the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition Advocates of the Year award. The award is in recognition of our efforts to pass the successful trails millage, and subsequent advocacy and support as the township begins implementation of their trail plan. Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition recongnized the townships trails work for improving the quality of life for local residents and filling in key gaps in thee West Michigan non-motorized transportation network. It will leave a long lasting legacy for the citizens of Plainfield Township.
10/23/17 board approves funding for the Belmont realignment trail
On Monday, October 23, the township board approved use of trails millage funds to include a trail with the Belmont Avenue realignment. The Belmont realightment trail was a cost savings opportunity too good to pass up. The trails is being built in partnership with the Kent County Road Commission (KCRC) Belmont Avenue realignment project. The trail portion will cost about a third what it would cost if accomplished seperately. This is for a new trail section along the new troad from Belmont Avenue/new road intersection to 10 Mile Road.
10/13/17 trail 'quick hitters' are open!
Rogue River Meadows Drive to the White Pine Trail
Plainfield Township Hall Parking Lot to the White Pine Trail
Includes picnic shelter donated by Friends of the White Pine Trail and bike racks.
7/17/17 update
Quick hitters: Our selected engineering firm, Prein & Newhof (P&N) has prepared engineered drawings for both 'Quick Hitter projects. In addition, they have submitted “Easement Applications” to the MDNR requesting permission to tap into the White Pine Trail. We expect to hear back from the MDNR soon. In the meantime, P&N will send out bid requests to contractors for the quick hitter projects. The bids will be due the first week of August and we will ask the township board to approve one of the bids at their August 14th meeting. After the Township Board’s approval, construction can begin.
Jupiter Trail – south segment. P&N is preparing the engineered plans for this trail segment and also coordinating this effort with the Kent County Road Commission (KCRC). KCRC is working on the Jupiter bridge road surface. The KCRC has agreed to restripe the lanes for a designated bike/pedestrian route.
It is very important to trail committee members that the township invest in and dedicate staff to implement the trails master plan. Rebecca (“Becca”) Soderberg has been hired by the township to assist with special projects. Becca has already attended workshops and seminars hosted by MDOT (Grand Region Nonmotorized Plan) and the West Michigan Trails and Greenways Coalition (Grand Region Pedestrian/Bicycle committee). She has also reached out to “trails staff” at adjoining townships/cities to introduce herself and make connections. We are impressed with her skills set and passion for trails.
4/2017 trail planning begins
Work has begun in earnest to establish 30 miles of new trails in Plainfield Township!
October 17, 2016 - Plainfield Township Trustees created a Trails and Recreation Areas Advisory Committee (TRAAC) to facilitate the implementation of the non-motorized trails and recreation millage.
October 25, 2016 – Anxious to get started, the TRAAC Committee, most of whom were heavily involved getting a YES vote, held their first official meeting at Plainfield Township Hall.
February 13, 2017 - The TRAAC committee unanimously recommended, and Township Trustees approved, contracting the professional engineering services and trail expertise of Prein & Newhof to assist with planning and implementation of proposed trails.
March 22, 2017 - A combined meeting of the Parks & Recreation and TRAAC committees unanimously selected a few ‘Quick Hitters’ as well as the first proposed long stretch of trail to connect Plainfield Township north and south.
Current 2017- 2018 Priorities*
Quick Hitter: Rogue River Road - Rogue River Meadows Drive to the White Pine Trail.
Quick Hitter: Plainfield Township Hall - Parking lot to the White Pine Trail and Belmont Elementary School. The Friends of the White Pine Trail will contribute a covered picnic table area.
Jupiter – From Plainfield Avenue north to the Wolverine YMCA in Belmont, connecting to the White Pine Trail in between.
Jupiter Proposed Phase I: The southern segment of the trail along Jupiter Avenue from the Jupiter Bridge to Plainfield Avenue.
Jupiter Proposed Phase II: The northern segment of the trail along Jupiter from the Jupiter Bridge to the YMCA.
Investigate: The possibility of a trail along Packer Avenue from Gold Dust Street to the public parking lot north of the Rogue River.
*Proposed priorities are subject to engineering study results and approval by Plainfield Township Trustees.
MDOT is working to develop a non-motorized transportation plan for the Grand Region. They are holding 10 outreach meetings. The Kent County meeting will be held on December 8, between 4-7 pm at Walker City Hall, 4243 Remembrance Rd. NW. The meeting is open house style – so you are welcome to attend for 10 minutes or stay for hours to learn more about the project, view the data collected so far, and provide input.
For more information about the project, all meeting details, or if you can’t make a meeting and would like to provide input, you can visit
Kent Count flier
10/12/16 update
After the 2017 winter taxes are collected in February, the first funds from the trails millage will be available. In the meantime, Citizens for Plainfield Township Trails remains active in our efforts to help develop 30 miles of trails.
One of our goals is to stretch our millage dollars as far as possible. State and federal grants are typically proportional to matching local funds. So, in order to maximize those grants, we are already opening communication lines with local foundations, particularly those that have shown support in the past for other trail developments.
Another goal is to make connections to existing and proposed trails in neighboring jurisdictions. We have already opened lines of communication with Kent County officials and officials from neighboring townships. Response has been very positive.
Most importantly, a request has been made to the Plainfield Township Board to appoint a trails committee to facilitate implementation of the non-motorized trails and recreation millage. This is being modeled after a committee that is effectively being used in Cannon Township. Members of Plainfield Township’s committee have been recommended to the board. The primary responsibility of the committee will be doing the “homework” for projects. This “homework” will include evaluating and prioritizing projects, facilitating grant and other funding opportunities and coordinating the efforts of the engineering firm. The township board has the final say on any project and must approve the spending of any funds generated by the millage.
We suspect that you are as excited as we are regarding trail development within Plainfield Township. We will keep you updated on the latest information, but please understand that there may not be a lot to report during the next few months. Thank you for your support.