Learn about the Plainfield Township Trails Millage passed 8/2we
Endorsed by: West Michigan Trails and Greenways Coalition, Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition, and West Michigan Mountain Bike Alliance.
What is the proposal?
The proposal is for the acquisition, construction, improvement, operation and maintenance of non-motorized public trails and recreation areas in accordance with the Plainfield Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Full text of the proposal is available here.
When is the vote?
Township residents were provided the opportunity to vote on the trails ballot question with the Primary Election on Tuesday, August 2, 2016.
What is a mill?
Millage rates are expressed in tenths of a penny. For example, the trails millage request is 0.5 mill or ½ of 1 tenth of a penny. For example, for 0.5 mill the owner of a $200,000 property, with an taxable value of $100,000, would pay $50 per year for trails.
What is the proposed millage rate?
A mill is a tax rate on the assessed value of real estate. The proposed millage rate is 0.5 or ½ of 1 tenth of a penny per dollar. The proposed trails millage will cost the average Plainfield Township homeowner about $50 per year (based on a home value of $200,000). To calculate your rate, multiply the assessment of the property by mill rate (o.5) and divide by 1,000.
How much revenue will the approved millage generate?
The millage of 0.5 mills is estimated to generate about $584,000 annually.
How long is the millage?
The millage is for ten years.
What about future maintenance and operation?
The millage language specifically states that funds will be used for improvement, operation, and maintenance of non-motorized public trails and recreation areas.
When will the trails be built?
ASAP! We are very motivated to encourage the start of trail construction right away. Nevertheless, we must first complete engineering design for proper construction and other important pre-construction homework. We are optimistic that some “easy” areas can be started soon, with other areas in the first few years.
How much will it cost to build the trails?
The cost to construct a trail varies widely and is dependent on physical challenges such as topography, environmental issues, and the space available to build a trail. It may cost $150,000 to construct a mile of trail in an area with no challenges and more in areas with significant challenges.
Who decided the Trails Map?
The current trails map is only a proposed guide for planning routes and connections. The map based on Parks & Recreation goal to connect our schools, neighborhoods, parks, waterfront, the White Pine Trail. We also plan to connect to existing trails in our surrounding communities including Ada, Algoma, Cannon, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Township, and Walker. We welcome and invite your questions, concerns, and suggestions to improve the current draft.
How will the Township decide how funds are spent?
The method as to how millage funds will be administered will be determined by the township board. Current plans are to implement a process similar to that currently successful in Cannon Township. A citizen committee is appointed to work with township staff to do all of the background work. The Trails Committee would then recommend specific projects in public meetings for approval by the elected township board. Page/Tab: Voter Information